1. The INSPIRING NARRATIVES to Culture Balanced Harmony

A song is beautiful when sung in balanced harmony with the music.
Whenever disasters befalls, for each and every time, we initiate movements and got engaged to rescue, relief, recover and analyze for answers to determine the causes, and for each and every time we conclude with preventive and proactive actions plans, mostly for pre and post disasters actions.
World over and all sectors agree and accept the factual causes of natures’ wrath are mostly man-made than supernatural.
And so all is trained to standby and to rush with lives, supposedly to outrun, outplay and outlast nature’s attacks.
We are artificially made to believe and to adopt the mindset that we need to be safe rather than we can be safe, if not for the dangers that’s triggered by mankind themselves.
Theoretically, when we are at war with nature, we are waging war within ourselves.
THE POINT IS, how often do we narrate the roots of the events.
Take a moment and do inner sightings and soul searching, for we are naturally born in harmony with the evolving natures of humankinds.
Does the knowledge of imbalance teaches us anything throughout our growing-up years?
It is a reality that imbalance causes water to spill-out and over, items to fall-off, things to crash-down, collapsing, tripping down and all others. The first step in learning to walk is practicing balance.
In exemplifying, let’s do a case study.
Due to culturing modernizations and developments, lands are cleared and extracted extensively. Commercialization implied earth and resources to be exploited and explored vehemently. These acts had caused the depletions and extinctions of nature’s harmony productions for health, wealth, protection and safety. More was taken than returned. More was used than replaced. More was violated than protected. More was destroyed than preserved. This is equation off the scales, and that is a situation of nature imbalance.
Imbalance causes the earth to be unstable thus occurs landslides, erosions etc. imbalance causes the water to be unstable thus occurs flooding etc.
Imbalance extractions and usage of natural resources jeopardizes the livelihoods and survivability of communities dependable on natural resources opportunities, widening the social and economic gaps thus occurs war, fighting, killings, corruptions, hunger, poverty, tensions etc.
Imbalance also causes the disappearance and destructions of natural habitats thus effecting the nature’s natural remedy and protective elements, thus exposing and subjecting us to extremes of weathers, disease, pandemics etc.
Any disasters that befalls humankind are events of nature’s wrath of fury, in effect of being tipped off balance. And there must be reasons for nature to be furious.
EFFECTUALLY, balancing naturally stabilizes all perspectives.
 Human and nature are natural beings of mother nature. Balancing harmony between all natural beings consoles mother nature. We revolve and evolve in balanced harmony. The heart syncs in harmony with the nature’s air for oxygen, and so on.
Engineering alternatives and substitutes, which are more often chemically based, can never replace the natural healings and protective capabilities of our natural systems.
Subjecting all and sundry to accept and adopt the engineered alternatives and systems had brought more harm than cure. More harm because not naturally cured. More lethal due to the hidden effects of chemical reactions. More dangerous due to no natural protections.
The earth can’t absorb toxic waste and neither our natural body could.
As Einstein said:
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”,
And it applies to all, each and every, humanity and civilization.

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